maritime qa system and multimodal event detection (RUSH)


Key Points

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Problem: Maritime QA system aims at enhancing human-machine communications. For converting human natural language into a machine-understandable language (e.g., SQL queries), a semantic parser is needed. It requires a very large amount of high-quality manually-annotated data for training.    

Achievement: Possibility of training a semantic parser with limited manually-annotated data enabling zero-shot training.

Benefit to Defence: In many real-world Defence scenarios, it is infeasible to obtain large amount of training data, i.e. human utterances paired with complex logical forms. Our approach addresses this issue.

Next steps: Adding other modalities like images/videos.

problem addressed



We propose to design compact grammars to simultaneously generate both (i) logical forms, and (ii) canonical utterances, hence synthesizing the training dataset.


big picture for Defence

Ultimate Goal

