DAIRNet is managed by a multidisciplinary team with the experience to build and sustain a coordinated and collaborative approach to Defence AI research across Australia.
Director DAIRNet
Specialist Science Advisor for AI, Defence Science and Technology Group
DAIRNet-DSTG Liaison, Defence Science and Technology Group
Project Manager DAIRNet
DAIRNet Communications and Events Lead
The Governance Panel provides strategic direction to the DAIRNet Management Committee and ensures that DAIRNet’s activities align with the broader Defence AI strategic direction. Members of the Governance Panel represent DAIRNet, DSTG and key stakeholders within the Department of Defence.
Chair: Dr Robert Hunjet
Program Leader – AI, Defence Science and Technology Group
Assistant Secretary Data Integrity, Associate Secretary Group
Director DAIRNet
Director General ICI, Defence Intelligence Group
Director General JC4, Joint Capabilities Group
The Management Committee coordinates implementation of the direction provided by the Governance Panel. The Management Team and the DAIRNet panels, committees and working groups report to the Management Committee. It also provides the primary link between DAIRNet and the Department of Defence.
Chair: Dr Mel McDowall
Director DAIRNet
Specialist Science Advisor for AI, Defence Science and Technology Group
DAIRNet-DSTG Liaison, Defence Science and Technology Group
Assistant Director Strategic Programs, Science Partnerships, Defence Science and Technology Group
Senior Manager: Business Development Enterprise Partnerships Unit, University of South Australia
Artificial Intelligence Strategy and Leadership, defence science and technology group
Deputy Director of University of South Australia Industrial AI Research Centre
The Technical Advisory Panel provides guidance on the research themes and activities undertaken within the network, identifies synergies and complementary research, and ensures the quality of research. The Technical Advisory Panel also plays a critical role in the development and assessment of research calls and activities conducted within the network, such as education and outreach and the identification of trends and gaps in sovereign AI. The current members of the panel represent DSTG and the DAIRNet foundation members.
Chair: Associate Professor Belinda Chiera, Deputy Director, Industrial AI Research Centre, University of South Australia
Dr Ralph Gailis, Specialist Science Advisor for AI, DSTG
Prof Markus Stumptner, Director, Industrial AI, University of South Australia
Dr Axel Bender, STaR Shot Leader, Operating in CBRN Environments, DSTG
Dr Angela Consoli, Chief Defence Scientist Fellow, DSTG
Prof Christopher Fluke, Swinburne University of Technology
Prof Matt Garratt, University of NSW Canberra
A/Prof Yuan-Fang Li, Monash University
Dr Glennn Moy, Research Specialist, AI and Machine Learning, DSTG
Prof Flora Salim, University of New South Wales
Dr Daniel Salmond, Group Leader, Information Warfare Command & Control, DSTG
Prof John Thangarajah, RMIT University
Prof Michael Webb, The University of Adelaide
Universities and industry that enter a collaborative arrangement with Defence regarding DAIRNet become members. Six universities are the foundation members of DAIRNet: Monash University, RMIT University, Swinburne University of Technology, The University of Adelaide, UNSW and University of South Australia.